My latest blogging kick has me obsessed with frequent updates to this blog. But sometimes I wonder what I should be writing about. It’s too easy for me to complain about money — not having enough, having enough but not knowing what to do with it, not having enough and not knowing what to do with it — but who wants to read a monologue of complaints? My financial life isn’t filled with massive drama, debt… I don’t have a mortgage, or a husband, or kids… and I try not to shop. So what should I write about?
Sometimes I think I should try to be like I Will Teach You to Be Rich or Living Off Dividends — but, what brilliant advice do I have to share? I’d love to be a resource for personal finance advice, but the best I can do is to tell my peers to “save money,” “invest in a Roth IRA early,” and “negotiate for higher pay when your living expenses are low.” That’s about all the personal finance advice I have for everyone. If this blog can be inspirational as an example (maybe my networth growth chart, in the left sidebar, will inspire someone?) then great.
Otherwise, I don’t want to turn this into a blog with posts like “The Top 10 Ways to Save On Taxes.” I don’t know the Top 10 Ways to save on taxes and honestly there’s a thousand other places where this information exists. I’ll write about it if I actually have saved using certain strategies, but I don’t want to write something just because I read it somewhere else, and need more link bait SEO content.
Instead, I’m just me. I do manage to run into the typical personal finance issues we all have to deal with (hey, my car engine started doing something really weird tonight, it might be time to retire my ’99 Toyota soon) but I’ve yet to get deep into the bigger personal finance issues of life. The second I start shopping for a condo or a house, this blog will probably get a lot more interesting.
For now, I really wish I could provide good advice on finances, career, etc. I get so giddy when someone who reads my blog e-mails me with a question and asks for my advice.
Today, a blogger I respect and read often asked for some advice on working in technology marketing & Silicon Valley. I’m thrilled to offer that kind of advice, especially by phone or Skype, because I do know a bit about how things work in this industry and have some wisdom to impart. That wisdom I’m hesitant to write on here since I’d like to maintain some level of anonymity around here.
Would you like more articles on personal finance advice here? Or am I doing ok just writing about my life as it relates to money…?