Tag Archives: singing

No More Voice Lessons… For Now

My voice teacher just emailed me and asked me about scheduling January lessons. I’ve been going to lessons twice a month for the last year, which cost me $170 a month. Given that I’m now spending $200 a month for group therapy, it is important to pull back somewhere. It’s a tough decision to say no to lessons, but it’s something I need to do right now. I recently started dance class once a week which is $60 / month, and I feel like this is an area I need more work on anyway in terms of auditions. I’d love if I could afford all of the above, but I really can’t. (Well, not if I want to save $20,000 next year.)

I feel bad about telling my voice teacher I can’t afford lessons right now. It’s tough being self employed, and even though I’m sure my $170 a month won’t break her budget, it’s much easier to cancel a subscription than voice lessons with a woman who I respect and actually want to pay.

That said, I need to take care of my mental health issues right now. And that’s costing me a small fortune. When I got hired full time I sought out voice lessons as a reward to myself. I do think I’ve improved a bit, but I’ll never be a great singer. It’s more or less a hobby of mine. But at this point in my life it’s just not worth investing in. My sanity, however, is.