(Home Depot rebates ARE A SCAM. I will never buy any big-ticket items from them again.)
Home Depot owes me a $60 rebate. My boyfriend and I bought our good friend a dishwasher for her birthday in August, and chose to spend a little more that we had originally intended to because of the rebate offer. So I got her a $399 dishwasher, plus spent $60 on delivery, and another $50 or so on parts. The dishwasher had a $60 rebate if you ordered delivery, so I paid, filled out the rebate forms online and thought I’d be receiving my rebate shortly.
Yea, right. Rebates are designed to screw you out of your money. They make you jump through so many hoops, eventually it’s just not worth your time to pursue the matter further.
This sort of bullshit really works me up, though. I’ve been corresponding back and forth with a woman in the customer service department and getting nowhere fast. My last e-mail with “Bianca” informed me that I need to e-mail them a JPG attachment of my receipt to prove that I, indeed, paid for delivery along with my purchase.
So I took a screenshot of the e-mailed receipts Home Depot mailed to me as I bought the dishwasher and confirmation on my rebate submission. I have a feeling that’s not what they’re looking for, though. The bad news is that since the dishwasher was delivered to my friend, any sort of hard copy receipt that came with it is either lost or gone. I never saw it. But I paid for it. On my credit card. And Home Depot e-mailed me confirmations left and right about all these things. Then they e-mailed me saying I don’t qualify for the rebate because I didn’t pay for the delivery. Fuck that. I paid for delivery. And a whole bunch of other crap.
Moral of the story – rebates are evil, Home Depot’s customer service department blows, and I’m going to keep blogging on how much Home Depot sucks until I get my rebate.