Tag Archives: promotion

Never Get a Promotion Again: I Can Only Hope

Along the lines of my post the other day “Why I’ll Never Ask for a Raise,” today I decided I really don’t want an increase in job titleĀ everĀ again. While I’m sad that my earning potential is likely at its plateau for the rest of my working career, minus a few cost-of-living raises here and there, I’m fairly set on the reality that my abilities stop at this level.

What I’m not is a manager of a big team. I’m not someone who sets strategies and has other people do the work. I do the work. And that’s ok. It’s ok, because I feel in control of the output. And I don’t want to take credit for anyone else’s contributions. The best way I can help an organization is by getting shit done. My biggest challenge is not overcommitting, and focusing on adding value doing what I do best. Continue reading Never Get a Promotion Again: I Can Only Hope

Time to Celebrate!

I don’t have much time to write, but I needed to update to say — I just got a major promotion and am extremely excited about what that means all around. For the first time in my life, I have a full time gig that I love, that pays well, with people who I respect and admire, in an office that’s cute, and easy to get to, where I have the opportunity to make a difference, and grow, at least on a professional skills level (there really isn’t much room for me to grow on a “level” basis in an 8-person company), and…

For the first time in my life my “got the job” excitement isn’t fear about failure. It’s excitement about success. I think I might have got it right this time.
Negotiation for more money was a little awkward (when isn’t it?) but I got an extra $2k out of the deal. Not shabby. I’m going to try to put a lot of money away for retirement this year. And to save for grad school. If I can make it at least 2 years at this company, I can save quite a bit of money. I paid off my small credit card debt the other day, with my next paycheck I will pay my boyfriend back the $180 I owe him, and then my debts will be gone. Just need to get through this month (I have $74 in my bank account right now, eeks!)