Oct Networth Update: $3.4M

*I have stopped tracking individual net worth beyond assuming 50% of my total net worth is “my” net worth, since in the event of a divorce (not planning that, just saying) I would get 50%. The actual amount I’ve contributed to the total net worth is higher than that, but let’s say my solo NW atm is $1.7M.

Despite not having a job for almost a year, and my husband not making enough to cover our bills, we’ve managed to sustain growth in our net worth thanks to strong markets this year. I have to remind myself what goes up probably will come down, so this is just a fake out for when the markets drop by 50% and I am in for a world of hurt (but if that happens, we’re all in for a world of hurt.)

Cash: $107k
Stocks: $780k
CD/Bonds: $18k
Retirement: $1.2M
Home Equity: $923k
529s: $344k ($114k per kid)

Our monthly spending is around $15k per month when we are being frugal without watching spending too closely. I’d like to be able to spend $18k a month indefinitely, and we aren’t close to that as far as FIRE goes.

I am doing some small freelance projects at the moment and interviewing. I am in mid/late stages for two possible offers but these things always tend to fall through, so not getting my hopes up. I hate hate hate negotiating and just wish they would offer me what I’m worth (or they could just pay me what I’m worth.)

We also have a better sense of my husband’s potential inheritance as, without going into much detail, all of his parent’s inheritances, home purchases, etc, have been finalized. While I do not include this amount in our NW, and do not expect any of it, that $ will be passed on to our children, help with our LTC if needed, and support any unexpected costs in later life. In addition to the above, we expect to inherit around $2M from my in laws in ~30 years. That includes about $1.5M in real estate and $1M that is being kept in savings accounts. I would like to pass on ~$1M per kid in inheritance, so it’s nice to know this $ exists. If any grandchildren are in the picture when I’m older, I also want to set aside $ for them.

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