Checking In — An Update

Hello everyone! Wow, so a few of you who read my blog have wondered where I am, and I wanted to post a general update.

With two littles and a busy life working and all, I haven’t ‘had much time to post. This year has been a bit of a cluster financially (I guess I have a lot to write on that when I have the time) but my goal from 2022 has shifted from growing my net worth to not losing too much of it. The markets are down, but it’s not just that. In any case we still have the house, I’m paying the mortgage, and by the love of whatever financial god there is I’ll have my 2021 taxes done by Oct 21.

So readers — if you’re still out there — tell me (in comments) how your year is going. πŸ™‚

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11 thoughts on “Checking In — An Update”

  1. You’re alive! Great to hear from you. Like you, our life is busy with 2 kids, their activities, and jobs. The market is down – but it’s down for everyone and reality, at 40 years old, it’s probably a good time in our lives for the markets to crash as long as it recovers over the next 10 years.

    How’s your job going? I’m super stressed because my company is not doing well. I think I’m safe for now, but always worried about a potential layoff.

    1. Indeed. Barely. πŸ™‚ I agree the markets crashing now is not the worst in terms of being 40-ish and having time to recover. Per my latest post, job is not going great. I am getting laid off in three weeks. It was a long time coming but it still sucks. Are you still employed one month after your comment?

      1. Sorry I never saw this comment. Sorry to hear that you actually got laid off. Yes, thankfully I am still employed. My company did end up laying off about 20% of the staff in my division with cuts in December and more last week, but I have survived. Supposedly the bleeding is done, at least for now. Are you taking time to enjoy this time without work? Or are you stressed about finding the next gig? I imagine you have some severance to hold you over for a couple months so hopefully that is letting you relax at least a little. And at least the market seems to have been holding reasonably steady too.

  2. Glad to see you are still well.

    Me personally, I was hoping to retire next April, but given the market, I don’t think that is going to happen, but who knows.

    My company will be splitting from our parent company some time next year. Was really hoping they would accelerate the vesting of stock options, but that doesn’t appear to be in the cards.

    Glad you are well. Hope your job is ok.

    1. Sorry to hear your company won’t be accelerating vesting. Ugh, how frustrating! The markets are really rough right now and it seems they’ll get worse in the next year. Wishing for early retirement may be more like hoping for on-time requirement now, but at least we’re headed in the right direction.

  3. I’ve found that it’s worth a lot to me to work with people I really like and respect , even if its less salary. I quit working at Google after a decade and joined a startup with some friends who are a pleasure to work with day in day out. Total compensation dropped by at least 50%, but I’m in a position where that is OK and the satisfaction with how I’m spending my life is higher. So it is a huge privilege to have the option take a big pay cut , for mental and emotional health, and I am grateful for that everyday, even when the startup life has its own roller coaster at least it’s my roller coaster.

    1. I’ve done the startup world for a long time. I’m open to the cut in salary at this point, but it’s still hard to find a job. Startups want specialists and I’m a generalist so it’s hard to find a fit. I’m certainly open to it if I can get hired!

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