26 Aspirations and Goals for 2010

I like Affecting Change in Me’s idea to come up with the # of goals for the coming year based on your age. She’s turning 30 so she has 30 goals.

Here are my 26 goals for 2010…

I’ll check in each month to update how I’m doing on each goal.

1. Save 20% of my income for retirement

2. Save 10% of my income for other upcoming expenses

3. Increase my net worth to $60,000

4. Study (a lot) for graduate school tests

5. Take the GMAT (and poss retake the GRE)

6. Apply to grad school(s) in fall 2010

7. Stop drinking alcohol (except on my birthday)

8. Go to the gym 3 times a week

9. Earn $10k in freelance income ($833 / month)

10. Eat 1300 calories per day

11. Drink 8 glasses of water per day

12. Come up with sweet, non expensive things to do to make my boyfriend happy and do them

13. Go to 1 networking event per month and get up the courage to talk to people (which is going to be really hard since I’m giving up alcohol)

14. Keep my room organized (easier said than done, hello ADD)

15. Write max 20 posts per month for blogging gig ($500 / month)

16. Start a saving fund for basic expenses for the second half of next year when I’ll likely be out of a job.

17. Write hand written letters to the people in my life who I’ve lost contact with (sans Facebook status updates). I don’t really like many people, but it saddens me that I’ve lost contact with the few people in this world who I really admire and consider friends.

18. Take an antidepressant for a year and see if it actually helps my mood swings over time.

19. Go to group therapy when possible and give what it takes to get the most out of it possible.

20. Make an effort to spend one day a month with each of my few friends.

21. Invite my roommates to do something fun outside the house and try to build my relationship with them (I am really bad at socializing with my roommates, I like them but when I come home I usually just want to hide in my room. They are so close to each other it’s sometimes awkward for me to be there.)

22. Read at least 4 fiction books and 4 personal finance / economics books and 4 books on interaction design

23. Start saving for a car replacement

24. Put my all into work, even though sometimes I don’t know how to. Be positive at work and supportive of the chaotic environment that is life at a startup. Try to bring a smile to the table always.

25. Work on being a better listener and communicator. Learn from career counselor how to do that.

26. Try to take one day at a time and be happy for all I have and all the opportunities that are to come.

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7 thoughts on “26 Aspirations and Goals for 2010”

  1. That's a lot of big resolutions! Mine are a lot less general and more assignement that resolutions, for example "find 3 sports activities that you will practice without making any excuses" instead of the yearly "I will so work out more this year" or "find 6 lunches that you will finally pack for work". I'm actually collecting such lists to make, then I'll make the lists, then the real resolution making will start. (I got the ADD thing too and when I think what lunch to pack today, I can think of nothing, even if I picked a lot of almost ready stuff at the supermarket the day before. Thus the list-based approach.)Good luck with your resolutions, they look like a lot of work, but the results will be great.

  2. I love that your resolutions are specific; they definitely sound attainable. So 2010 should be a great year. I think I'll have to steal this idea from you when I write down my resolutions for the new year.

  3. Thanks for the call out! 🙂 And I love your list – they sounds very attainable. I like 12 and 17 . . . and I should definitely consider doing 7. I wonder how much I would save if I cut out alcohol completely? Looking forward to reading about your journey in 2010!

  4. 1300 calories is very low. 1500-1600 is better. You might find 1300 calories leaves you very hungry – tried it myself and it was difficult.For #21, what about cooking something together or having a movie night at home? I've been terrible about the roommate thing myself and made up for it by sharing food I've cooked.

  5. Great list of goals! I was surprised to see that many of the things you are working on this years are things that I need to work on too.Good luck, keep us update about your progress in accomplishing your goals! I'm thinking of posting a weekly status of mine on Sundays…

  6. Good luck with you goals! I am excited to see how you will come along on them. I have to say that 1300 isn't that low. The minimum is 1200 and depending on your height and weight that may be all you need. What is more important is whether or not you are packing good nutrition into those 1300 calories!

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