Over the past few years, as a personal finance blogger, I’ve gotten to know a lot of the other main bloggers writing on the topic of personal finance. In fact, it was a random search leading me to a post on An English Major’s Money that inspired me to start blogging about finance in the first place. There have been lists compiled of the best PF bloggers, but never a good, recent one of the list of the best female personal finance bloggers. So, I decided to change that here.
Little Miss Money Bags: a 20-something living in NYC working in publishing
Frugal Zeitgeist: Money, saving, personal finance, and being happy with what you have
Poorer than You: Money issue massage s for college students and 20-somethings
FruGal: A FruGal’s musings on money…
The Baglady: a “secret baglady” 20-something managing money like she’s about to retire
Debt Free Kid: 30 something Canadian, single mom, seeking to get rid of debt by 2010
Frugal Chick: misadventures in life, one cloth napkin and penny at a time
Berry Makes Cents: one girl’s journey to pay off student loan debt by making money online
CalGirlFinance: 20 something’s journey to being free from the corporate world
Ugly Debty: one girl’s journey to freedom from an evil amount of personal debt
Debt Hater: She’s gotten out of debt, now on to her dreams
Squawkfox: Where frugal living is sexy, delicious, and fun.
Modern Gal: Healthy living without breaking the bank
Gailvazoxlade.com: The value of money is that with it you can tell anyone to go to hell.
Moneymonk: 34 year old Capitalist saving 30% of her gross income
Alpha Consumer: Kimberly Palmer writes about PF (from U.S. News & World Report)
Girls Just Wanna Have Funds: Breaking financial ceilings one stiletto at at time
Runners Up…
(Because not everyone can make the top 100, but there are a lot of great female personal finance writers out there. These are definitely worth a read too! Next year I’m going to try to have a reader vote for the best female personal finance blogs because they’re all so good and it’s hard to rank ’em on my own.)
Any others I’m missing? Please comment on this post if you are a female personal finance blogger or know of any that should be on the list. There are some older lists floating around on the Interwebs, but many are out of date and include bloggers that haven’t updated since 2007! All of the authors on this list have updated after July 2009, with most updating even more recently than that.
Thank you for including me. Your list is comprehensive, so comprehenshive that it includes two men. They both have female staff writers, but you might want to point that out. 🙂 Five Cent Nickel is defintely a man. At least that's what he told me when I met him in person. Debt Kid was also started by a man, but he's brought on a few other bloggers (male and female). Perhaps a little asterisk is a good way to go?I miss English Major Money. Do you?
I knew I was going to get a few wrong! Grr. Ok, adjusting the list. Do you have any advice for two more I should add? I know I read posts on both of them by women, but I'm trying to include women-only single-author blogs.
I miss English Major's Money too!
re: "Debt Kid" do you mean "Debt Free Kid" because their profile states they are a "thirty-something, Canadian, single Mom to a three year old. Inspired by my little guy and a wealth of PF (personal finance) information on the www, I am doing what I can to eliminate my twenty thousand dollar consumer debt by the end of 2010. It's time to welcome wellness into our lives." Or is someone else named Debt Kid on this list? I took Five Cent Nickel off. Will save him for a list of the top 100 male PF bloggers when I get around to it.
Uhh, thanks for inadvertently adding me? I am also a PF blogger that has been around for a while but you didn't mention me, you had the other Ginger (Girls Just Want to Have Funds) on here, but using my link…I'm Ginger from GingerWontSnap.com.
@Ginger — oops, I meant to add both of you and got it mixed up. That's what I get for putting this together at 3am. 🙂 I'll fix!
Thanks for including me in your top 100 Female bloggers list. I see there are a few on here that I am not subscribed to so I better get clicking!!!!
Great list! I'm the female staff writer at Five Cent Nickel. I also blog on my own at Green Panda Treehouse.
Sorry to sound needy but I would love to be included. 😉
Viviana @theleantimes.com
What a great list! Thank you for adding me 🙂
Would love to be included! <a href="http://www.thecentsiblelife.comwww.thecentsiblelife.com<br />Kelly
Daria Dolan is always fun to read (love her rants!). She writes DailyMoneyDish @ Dolans.com(her husband Ken writes there too, but we shouldn't hold that against her!)
Great list! I'd love to be included! Thanks! Mrs. Accountability from http://www.outofdebtagain.com
why thankyou!
Thanks for adding me to the list!English Major's Money was the first real blog I started reading too! I miss her bunches.
w00t! Thanks for including me, and I'm sure the other Ginger is thrilled, too! 😀
Great list! I know I'm pretty new on the scene, but I'd love to be included too.
Thanks for including me on your list! This is handy to have actually, great way to find other blogs I don't already know about. 🙂
Any legit female personal finance blogger who adds their link to this post will be listed in the "runners up" section after the top 100, for reference purposes (and next year you may move up the list!)Also, if you are a female personal finance blogger writing for a mixed gender blog (ie five cent nickel) I'll add a section for that too at the end.
Hi there! Please add my to your runner's up and one year, I hope to make it onto the list. 🙂
You are missing me! =)http://alwaystheplanner.blogspot.com/
I also blog at Moolanomy as a staff writer.Still reading through all these fabulous female blogs. Kelly Whalen http://www.thecentsiblelife.com
Hey there! This is a great list–I thought I'd just throw out a "howdy" from The Penny-Wi$e Family at http://www.thepennywisefamily.com we're all about frugal living, smart shopping and getting out of debt.
Thanks for including me! Now I have some new blogs to read, yay!
Thanks for including me!And BudgetsAreSexy is a dude with a mohawk and a wife.
moneymatekate: thanks. budgetsaresexy is out, replacement is in.
I must have seen 'Debt Free Kid' and read it as 'Debt Kid'. You should definitely add Moneyapolis. Her blog is new, but it's actually a continuation of a different PF blog she had.
Would love to be included! Been writing about my journey to get out of debt for almost a year 🙂 <a href="http://greenizblack.blogspot.comhttp://greenizblack.blogspot.com<br />-GREEN I$ THE NEW BLACK
Thanks for the link, I'm enjoying browsing links on the list.
Thanks for including me! I am honored! Lisa@ Cents To Save
Would love to be included! 🙂 Also got my start because of English Major's Money!http://moneymaus.blogspot.com
I'm a little late. Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for including me in your Top 100. Looks like you have a lot of interesting stuff here. Glad your blog is on my radar now.
Awww thanks for putting me on the list. Hearts to you!
Thanks for including me on the list! I'm so honored. :)One thing, though: my hyperlink goes to "Brown-Eyed Girl's" blog. :P~Crytal <a href="http://www.brunetteonabudget.comwww.brunetteonabudget.com<br />P.S. Love your blog
I am surprised I didn't see Frugal Dreamer or The Frugal Girl on this list. Or Northern Living Allowance. They are some of my favorites.
Great list! My name is Lucia, I'm the Community Manager for moneyStrands. I author the official moneyStrands blog, Money Matters at http://www.moneyStrands.com/blog.
Wow, that is quite a comprehensive list. Good to see a lot of the old familiars and some new bloggers. =)
Oh, and I'd love to be included on the "runner-up" list. Thanks for putting all of that together! I'm SO going to have to update my blog roll now! =D
Wow great list and thank you for including me Laura 🙂
Thanks for including me in the list! 🙂
Wow, this is a great list! I'd love to be included.
Great list! There are some fabulous blogs on here! and some new ones that I'll definitely be following. I'd love to be included as well! 🙂 http://www.fabandfinanciallysav.com
Thanks for including me on the list!
I don’t know who you wrote this for but you hpleed a brother out.
This is going on my favorites for when I'm ready to start PF blogging again which is soon 🙂
What a great list! Lots of my favorites included. I'd appreciate if you'd visit my blog and maybe some day I can get to runner-up status (if not on the list).
hey, I love that this is a go to list for new blogs to read. I'm also a female blogger living in the city. I'm also one of the writers for debtkid.My blog is <a href="http://www.debtorinthecity.blogspot.comwww.debtorinthecity.blogspot.com<br />feel free to add me.thanks
Wow, I'm just seeing this now… thanks so much for adding me!!
Excellent post! I wasn't aware there was an updated 2009 post of women PF bloggers. I was going through the 2008 list that Wisebread had and was finding all the blogs that were still active.
What an honor to be included, thank you!
Thanks very much for the mention and all the best with your blog and your financial plans! I second the inclusion of The Lean Times too, she's full of good ideas.
Hey there – I'm a 25 year old female PF blogger!
Thanks for ranking me on the runners up list!!! There is some great company here.
I just started blogging about my experience with my finances. I hope to make this list some day!