Inspired by all you fabulous ladies out there writing about personal finance every day, I decided to start a carnival of personal finance specifically for female bloggers.
I’ll be posting the first Carnival of Female Personal Finance Bloggers in November, please submit your best blog post from October for the first edition.
Also, if you’re interested in hosting future editions, please let me know. Would love to get at least 5 people lined up for next 5 months (doing this monthly for now, could be bi-weekly if I get enough interest.)
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What a great idea! I'd be happy to host a Carnival Just let me know the details and what month you need us to host!Daria Dolan
I'll host one!
Love it! I'd be happy to host!
Great idea! I'd be interested in hosting.
Hey!! This is a cool idea! 🙂 I would be interested in hosting!