I vaguely remember Clinton’s presidency. It was before I could vote. I remember people seemed to like him, so much as forgiving him for having a lusty affair with his intern. I didn’t know enough about politics then to judge, but he seemed like a good prez.
Then came eight years of Bush. I feel bad for Bush, even though I dislike him. As soon as he stepped into office 9/11 happened, and everything went downhill from that. I disagree with the decisions he made to go to war with Iraq, but with such an attack on the US he had to do something. And then over the last four years, our economy has run out of gas. We’re spending trillions of dollars on a war we probably shouldn’t be fighting, and in our own borders people are going hungry, losing houses, and living without health insurance.
I doubt Obama can really bring the “change” he promises. But there will be plenty of change with the new democratic government. Change that we need. Hopefully. I expected the worst of Bush and I got it. I’m afraid to expect too much of Obama because he is, after all, a politician.
Well, you know first hand what it's like to not have health insurance. Poor Hilary tried during her hubbie's administration but now it's Obama's turn. I only hope that his leadership does truly lead to change. We could certainly use it.Jerry http://www.leads4insurance.com