… I’m not going to give you a list of “how to make money on your blog” here. Apparently, AdSense is not really working for me. It seems the more quality clicks I get on my site, the less likely someone is to click on an AdSense link. Which is perfectly fine, but kind of defeats the purpose of AdSense.
I’ll keep the ads on my page for now, since I take in maybe $1-$2 a month (that’d be 1-3 clicks a month), but what surprises me most is how in the last few weeks my blog traffic has gone up substantially and consistently (yeay!), but my AdSense earnings have not reflected my increase in popularity.
Meanwhile, the one ad I sold on my site made more money than I’ve made on AdSense to date, and I bet that ad gets more clicks too (though I have no way of measuring that). People are just so numb to AdSense these days that anyone who actually reads blogs on a regular basis will very, very rarely click on an ad. Sometimes I’ll click on ads other’s blogs because either I’m interested in the advertisement or I just want to help the blogger out a bit. But most of the time I forget to do this.
I’m running a poll right now on the left side of my page about AdSense, where I’m asking you, the reader, if you ever click on AdSense ads (not just on my site, but on any site.) If you haven’t voted yet, take a second to pop in your opinion. I’ll post the results at the beginning of next month.
Meanwhile, I’m enjoying watching my readership grow. It’s a slow, sloooow process, but you’ve got to start somewhere, right? I look at some of the PF blogs out there that have over ten thousand feed subscribers and I wonder how they did that! I have 28 right now (I gained a few and lost one thanks to that vibrator post, heh) and that’s the highest it’s been yet. It’s exciting to know that people out there in cyberland can relate to my financial experiences. I’m ever-so grateful for all the advice my readers have given me to date.
So even if I won’t make more than a buck or two a month by writing in this blog, I make a lot from getting to meet great people (albeit anonymously) and learning more and more about how on earth I should manage my out-of-control budget and investing experiments.
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I do make a point of clicking adsense ads for blogs I read. Kind of like a "Hey, I liked this post, good job, you."But I agree – Adsense just isn't doing it for me either.
I rarely notice AdSense ads. I usually read blogs through my google reader, so the ads just aren't there…
I have Google Adsense on my blog, I make like 4-5 cents a day with it. However, I am hopeful things will improve. My blog's only about a month and a half old. :)I do have a couple of text link ads, and I'm hoping for more.-Ryanhttp://uncommon-cents.net/