I spent ONLY $12.91 at Target.

Someone, anyone, give me a gold star.

I walked around the entire store as always, even though I went in to buy a notebook, a sponge and tape. I picked up a few items and then forced myself to put them back down as I wandered around. Holding the item is half of the excitement of shopping. I don’t actually have to buy it.

I kept telling myself “no” (in my head, of course) and I made it out of the store with exactly what I had intended to buy (well, I bought a special soap-holding sponge scrubber thing, but I still did a good job.)

A for effort. A- for end result.

(Visited 20 times, 1 visits today)

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4 thoughts on “I spent ONLY $12.91 at Target.”

  1. Nice! I too went to Target, and bought only a teensy bit more than I intended. I had a couple fresh towels in my cart, but put them back before i checked out.

  2. I know exactly what you mean! I can walk around Target for an hour and a half and spend $5 – but only if I touch and look at and feel all the stuff I *want* to buy. 🙂 It's amazing how much money I could spend there – my husband uses MS Money to organize our finances, and he can sort our spending by store. My top 3 (in order): Target, Starbucks, Hallmark. 😛

  3. Ha! Target is NOTHING! I alsohave iron willpower in Walmart,KMart, and the mall! Er….myweak point is Whole Foods (blush)

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