Eeks, I haven’t written a PF Blogroll in ages. It’s time for a roundup of the chatter going on out there in the personal finance blogosphere…
Give Me Back My Five Bucks (krystal at work) set some monthly goals for herself. She wants to “gain full-time employment,” submit some reimbursement paperwork, and “curb any unnecessary spending.” Last month, apparently, was a no-go on the full-time employment search. Let’s all wish good luck to her on her job search quest this month, as job-searching can be daunting, and encouragement always helps. 🙂
Queercents has a great post on how to get the best return on charitable giving. This morning, Bill filled his readers in on charity rating organizations, and how to make sure that your contributions are being well spent. CNN Money also has a good post on this topic.
Get Rich Slowly (J.D.) somehow turned down the opportunity to buy a used Mini Cooper to replace her Ford Focus. Why? Because she realized it’s more important to be debt-free than have a dream car. Besides, there’s always next year.
How I Save (LuLuGal) fills us in on how to buy glasses for the cheap online. I’ve never bought glasses online because I’ve yet to find myself trusting online retailers enough, but LuLuGal’s story of savings almost entices me to seek out my next pair of frames in the mall called cyberspace. She spent $75 on a pair on glasses that, if she purchased the frames in real life (ie, not online) would have cost her a whopping $400-$500. Congrats on the savings, LuLu.
Blogging Away Debt (Tricia) informs us that her net worth is up 6.91%, standing at -$36,384. Let’s all encourage Tricia to keep on saving this month each month to help her on her way to debt-freedom.
An English Major’s Money wins frugal foodie of the week with her recipe for “Lentils with Chorizo.” I won’t be trying this out since I don’t eat meat, but for those of you who are meat eaters, the recipe sounds like it might be tasty, and it’s certainly cheap due to ample use of lentils.
Thank you for the mention :)- Tricia @ Blogging Away Debt
Thanks for the mention on your site. I used to be afraid to get things online but my boyfriend introduced me to all the various places you can save money by just heading to cyberspace and I am now constantly looking for bargains.I was especially scared about the glasses because my eyes are a big investment…but I read up lots of different people's experiences and then we decided to try it out and I was 100% satisfied. It took a little bit of work to measure frames in an eye place at the mall and then write down the models and then compare them to the online ones but then it was worth it in the end to save all that money and still be able to see.