My Vanguard ROTH IRA and Mutual Fund accounts are back up and running. Well, I shouldn’t say “back up and running” given the first purchases all were bounced back and all of the capital gains on these funds were lost. Of course, now that I reinvested my money, the funds are down and I’m losing money. I know not to stress out about this, of course, but it was so nice to see my money gain $50 in the first week as opposed to losing the money.
This time around, I decided to be a little bit more risky in my investment. I put the full $4000 into my Roth IRA (I was going to do $3000, but with my new job also lacking a 401k plan… but with a higher salary… there really is no reason not to max out my Roth IRA) and then I put $4500 into the mid cap growth index fund. In a month or so I might diversify a bit and take $1500 of that and add another $1500 to a large cap fund.
One day, when conflict of interest is not an issue (if that’s ever the case) I’d like to get into stock trading on Zecco. It sounds like a good place to start out. But for now, I can’t get too deep into the Wall Street world.